Featured Item

Wooden Camera

Handmade from Locally sourced Maple. Encourages pretend play and use of your child’s imagination

Each Camera has it’s own unique woodgrain

Each Camera has it’s own unique woodgrain



Matt Heigl

Founder and Lead Carpenter at Sawdust Farms Woodworking


My love for creating things out of wood began early in life and has progressed into a true passion. I enjoy watching my nieces and nephews play with these toys using their imaginations to play, which is not often seen in the digital world we live in. For more behind the scenes Meet Me in the Shop


Fun Fact:

Each and every one of our toys is finished with a combination of Mineral Oil and Beeswax.

That’s it! Just those two ingredients and nothing else. This provides the wood with a durable, long lasting finish that will not only protect and preserve your wooden toys, but is also a child safe, non-toxic formula.

All of this is so you can rest easy knowing your child is not playing with any potentially harmful toxins.

“Without craftsmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind.”

Johannes Brahms